Tip mcmn nk rasa bijak???

Hmm... jgn belagak pandai dgn org yg ko rs xpandai....

A tourist was on a boat and he asks the boat guy:
do you know Biology, Psychology, Geography, Geology ?
The boat guy said:
NO to all the questions.
The tourist then said:
What the hell you know on the face of this earth ? You will die of illiteracy !!
After a while, the boat started sinking, so the boatman asked the tourist :
Do you know Swimology and Escapology from Crocodilogy ?
The tourist said: NO !!
The boat guy replied:
Well you will Drownology and Crocodilogy will eat your Bodiology and you will Dieology because of your Badmouthology.

How to think like engineer ????...

they make the most complicated thing look way too simple... so u'll impress..
they explain most simple thing way too complicated... so u'll even more impress...

The math... different interpretation



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